Miscellaneously Yours

Posts Tagged ‘snow

from goclipless.com

from goclipless.com

I hate winter sometimes, especially when I see people like the ones I saw this morning on the road. Now, we had a big snowstorm here yesterday (see post below). Most people who live through winters in New England know that when it snows, your car gets covered. And when your car gets covered, you need to clean it off to drive safely. In fact, at least in Connecticut, it is the law. Now, I’ll admit, I’ll leave snow on top of my car if it’s just a dusting, maybe half an inch. But, we had over 6 inches yesterday. There is no excuse for people not to clear off their car. I don’t care how late you are, it is in everyone’s best interest that you clean your car. Imagine driving on the highway and having a huge chunk of snow come flying at you with no warning. I can understand if you have a large SUV or truck that you may not be able to get every speck of snow off the top, and that’s fine, as long as you get off what you can. However, it’s almost always the tiny little sedans I see that still have 6 inches of snow on top of the car. If the people with the SUVs can get their cars clean, I’m pretty sure you can clear off your tiny little sedan. Yet without fail, every storm brings these drivers. This morning alone, I saw at least one car with snow all over the top, one car with a full load of snow covering the back windshield, and one that was completely covered except for part of the front windshield. That is just plain dangerous. Please people, please, clean off your cars!

Well, this year is certainly living up to the saying that March comes “in like a lion, out like a lamb.” Just three days ago, on Friday, our weather was this:


Today, the weather is this:



Seriously, the biggest storm of the season in March? Isn’t March supposed to be the month that starts spring? I don’t know about everyone else, but I am personally getting a bit tired of the snow, and would love for the weather to just  make up its mind in favor of spring.

You would think that, living in New England my entire life, I’d be fairly used to quick weather changes and random winter weather. Yet, somehow, it still manages to take me by surprise sometimes.

Take yesterday for example. Morning weather report: tapering showers/snow showers, becoming nicer as the day goes on. Well, if by nicer they meant downpours and up to 8 inches of snow in some places, then they were correct! Apparently, not even the weathermen had the slightest inkling that bad weather was coming last night.

from komonews.com

from komonews.com

Personally, I was walking to my class when I noticed some pretty dark clouds, but the only thought I had was “Haha, if it was the middle of the summer I’d definitely be expecting a big thunderstorm to start right now,” but then dismissed them. Until a few raindrops fell on me, but my thoughts still only reached “I should hurry so I don’t get really rained on.” So I suppose I shouldn’t have been completely surprised when a sudden downpour started hammering on the thin roof of our classroom, scaring half the class. I wasn’t even really bothered by the rain, I’d just received a new waterproof jacket so I just treated it as a good time to test it (it worked ;]).

What I did not expect, nor appreciate, was the pelting snow/ice/rain mixture that was steadily falling at 8 o’clock when I went to take the 15 minute walk to my car and subsequent 45 minute drive home. Had I expected the snow, I’d have been fully prepared with a hat and gloves, and most likely a change of clothes to stay with a friend. However, considering it was completely unexpected, I had the fine pleasure of walking out to my car with wind-driven precipitation pelting my face and finding its way down my sleeves, then driving home with barely any visibility and nontreated roads. There was one slightly good point about the snow being unexpected though: everyone else was just as taken off guard and frazzled, so I didn’t encounter any of the usual “I’m impervious to sliding on snow so I’m going to drive like a maniac” type people.

May 2024
