Miscellaneously Yours

Posts Tagged ‘money

from themovingplanner.com

from themovingplanner.com

Everyone’s got them: those few little things that don’t bother/are funny to other people, but just drive you up the wall. In other words, pet peeves. The fun thing about them is that they can pop up anywhere, and they seem to just accumulate over time. I thought it might be interesting to post a few of my own pet peeves and see what other people think of them/what their pet peeves are.

1) Seeing/hearing people chew. This is so disgusting. I don’t only mean chewing with your mouth open either. For some reason, just the thought of hearing crunch crunch crunch and watching someone chew grosses me out. It’s the main reason I don’t like that Nature Valley commercial with the woman eating the granola bar on the cliff. Which brings me to my next peeve.

2) Stupid commercials. I’ve grown to realize that, when it comes to commercials, I either love them or hate them. Some are fine, but others make me want to throw the TV against the wall. For example, the Dish Network impression commercials. I can’t stand these commercials. Other than the William Shatner one, I don’t particularly think he does a very good job at his impressions and that bothers me. Probably because I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist.

3) Crumpled money/using lots of small bills. Seriously, is it that hard to straighten out your money before you give it to the cashier? I suppose this one comes from working over 5 years in customer service/ticket sales. I can’t count how many times people (usually teenagers, although I’ve had many an adult do this as well) pull a huge crumpled wad of cash out of their pockets, dig through past the 50s, 20s, and 10s, finally every so slowly pulling out fifteen singles, dropping them into a big crumpled pile on the counter, and then just start talking to whoever they’re with, leaving me to painstakingly reach across the counter, grab each bill, smooth it out, and attempt to get them in my drawer without holding up the line. Then, until I can get rid of said singles, I have them sticking up out of their holder because they won’t go flat again.

So what bothers you?

May 2024
